We strive to improve our Wagyu herd as well as the Wagyu herd outside Japan by utilizing embryo transfer technology to replicate our best dams bred to the very best sires available. We believe the best Wagyu of the future will not be the original foundation animals exported from Japan, but rather will be animals carefully selected by mating the very best genetics and proven through testing. We produce and sell frozen embryos from our herd of donor cows, bred to a variety of bulls that we believe have merit, with a goal of creating offspring that will be superior to both their sire and dam. We have available for sale frozen embryos from matings that will produce calves that are 100% Fullblood Black Wagyu as well as embryos that will produce polled 98%+ purebred Wagyu.
We often have available frozen embryos from our top donor cows that will produce calves who’s pedigrees will include genetics from top foundation sires including Itohana 2, Itoshigenami, Itozuru Doi, Haruki 2, Hirashigetayasu, Kitaguni Jr., Kitateruyasudoi, Michifuku, Sanjirou, Shigeshigetani, Yasufuku Jr. and others, as well as some of the most proven and popular “Australian EBV” bulls, and top polled purebred Wagyu sires including Bar R Polled Zurutani D64, BSW Okufuji 9 and Wagyu Poll Perfection.
We currently have only a very small quantity of frozen embryos available, although we will be flushing more donor cows in March 2025 and will have more after that flushing event. CLICK HERE to open a PDF file that lists the 3 frozen embryos we have available as of February 22, 2025. Prices, links to American and Australian registry pedigree pages for sire and donor cow, as well as notes including exportability are included. All embryos were produced from conventional flushes (not IVF / Invitro) unless noted otherwise.
Contact Jim Long at 713-412-0129 or Jim@Rocking711.com