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KR Ms Strategy 123 (FB12882) is a well-bred, good-looking cow with outstanding calf-raising ability, having raised multiple outstanding natural calves. The following list of famous animals makes up 100% of her total genetics:

  • 50% Mazda, her direct sire, one of the first four Wagyu exported from Japan in the initial 1976 export, and a rare Tottori sire.
  • 12.5% Yasufuku Jr.
  • 6.25% Hirashigetayasu
  • 6.25% Itomichi 1/2
  • 6.25% Kikuyasu-400
  • 6.25% Takazakura
  • 3.13% Haruki 2
  • 3.13% Suzutani (cow)
  • 3.13% JVP Kikuhana 298 (cow)
  • 3.13% Yuriko-1 (original cow family)

She has a well balanced pedigree, is stoutly build, with a medium-sized frame (~1,100 lbs) with outstanding phenotype and conformation. Her pedigree indicates that she should transmit to offspring balanced qualities in terms of carcass, size, early growth and maternal characteristics. She is very docile and “easy keeping”, and she has proven herself to have excellent calf-raising characteristics.

She is tested free of the known genetic recessive disorders.  DNA tests:  SCD=AA; Tenderness=9.

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