Rocking 711 Ranch breeds and raises Wagyu cattle, utilizing top Wagyu genetics, artificial insemination and embryo transfer to perform continuous herd improvement. The current herd consists of approximately 1,000 head including fullblood Wagyu cattle, high percentage Wagyu cattle, Wagyu/Angus “F1” cross cattle as well as “recipient cows” utilized for embryo transfer to produce fullblood Wagyu calves from embryos.
We market fullblood Wagyu genetics to Wagyu breeders as seedstock in the form of breeding stock animals, embryos and bull semen. We also market Wagyu and Wagyu/Angus-cross steers as well as fullblood Wagyu steers, both as feeder calves and as fattened cattle ready for harvest.
We raise our Wagyu cattle on pasture in a healthy, humane and sustainable manner. The ranch is home to abundant native Texas wildlife in addition to our cattle.
The main ranch encompasses over 3,000 acres of prime coastal Texas farmland in northwest Jackson County, Texas, approximately 15 miles north of Edna, Texas, a 90 minute drive from southwest Houston, Texas.
We raise our Wagyu cattle in a healthy, humane and sustainable manner.
Cattle working days are often long with an early start. We treat our cattle well. They’re very gentle and usually come running when we call them. Our cattle are free to roam in pastures their entire life—never being confined to a feeding pen like is the case with most feedlots.
Heavy use of frequent rotational grazing practices ensure that our cattle have fresh pasture, which helps both the pasture conditions as well as the health of the cattle.
We’re in a continuous state of ranch infrastructure improvement—building fence, roads and ponds, laying water pipe to improve water distribution and improving irrigation systems.
High quality Wagyu beef melts in your mouth—truly a beef connoisseur’s delight & the undisputed leader in terms of quality.
Rocking 711 Ranch strives to provide a healthy environment for wildlife. The deer population is abundant and wild hogs—a nuisance due to their love of rooting up our pastures—are a year-round hunting sport.
We’re blessed to have a pair of regularly visiting majestic Bald Eagles—a very rare sighting in the area.
The coastal Texas area is famous for its birding. A myriad of “regulars” at the ranch include numerous types of permanent resident birds ranging from predators to beautiful songbirds.
And then there are the popular Cattle Egrets—otherwise known as cowbirds—which love to stay with the cattle herds in a symbiotic relationship. The birds rest on the backs of grazing cows and help control pests by eating bugs.